Purpose of ships planned maintenance & Repair system (PMS)

Purpose of ships planned maintenance & Repair system (PMS)

Procedure Vessel Maintenance & Repairs (PMS)

The Company’s maintenance objective is to maintain all vessels in the most cost effective manner consistent with declared Company policies and instruction. Notwithstanding any budgetary constraints, all vessel are maintained to a standard that ensures compliance with applicable rules and regulations of both the flag and the classification society.

The Ship Management General Manager assists all Managers and Superintendents by ensuring qualified, trained and experienced personnel are appropriately assigned to maintenance responsibilities within the company as illustrated in the company organizational chart.
The Technical Manager has assigned the responsibility for ensuring the maintenance of each tanker to the Technical Superintendents – who each monitor the maintenance of vessels assigned by:-
  • Updating of all the technical matters through a monthly vessel condition report.
  • Monitoring vessel expenditure.
  • Keeping vessel inventory record of:-All stock levels on a six monthly basis.Spare and Store levels of Engine Spare on     three monthly basis. Lubricating levels on monthly basis.
  • Monitoring vessel planned maintenance system on a monthly basis
  • Monitoring vessel certification and survey requirements.

Planned Maintenance System

Each ship shall carry out planned maintenance schedule in accordance with by the ship’s crew members as far as is practicable. 

In addition to complying with the shipboard maintenance plan, the Chief Engineer shall carry out open-up inspections for those items of the CMS equipment which can be managed by crew members, consulting with the Technical Superintendent in charge, considering the CMS inspection timing and preparing a chief Engineer’s report (5 months before scheduled inspections) for the document-based machinery surveys.

The Chief Engineer shall prepare records of measurement, photos, etc. for the intended document-based machinery surveys, as evidence.

The planning of maintenance for each vessel is formulated by the superintendent and the vessel master, Chief Officer and Chief Engineer in liaison with the Technical Manager on the basis of the following parameters:-
  1. Operational requirements of the vessel.
  2. Classification society quarterly report.
  3. Equipment instruction manual.
  4. inherent dangers of the cargo carried, past cargoes or possible future cargoes.
  5. The capabilities of the crew and the equipment available onboard. 
  6. Periodical reviewing where necessary to improve     the system.
  7. At the end of the Planned maintenance schedule (Form E04 and D21), the percentage of the work carried on the     scheduled work for the month is to be indicated. The year     to date percentages will be also indicated.
  8. In submission of the planned maintenance schedule monthly, the Chief Engineer and the Chief Officer is to also     submit the planned maintenance report (Form E-05 and D-    22) as an evidence of the work that is carried out. 
  9. As according to the planned maintenance schedule, if  there are any over due items, the Chief engineer and Chief Officer must explain in writing the reasons for an extensions to be agreed with the superintendent in charge.
  10. Any unscheduled repaired carried out to be recorded at the bottom of the Planned Maintenance Schedule (Forms E-04 / D21) with any supporting reports that may be  possibly attached to the planned maintenance report. (Form E-05 and D-22). 
  11. CRITICAL Equipment Deck and Engine are included in the PMS. The OFFICE must be informed of ANY SHUT DOWN of the equipments for Maintenance or Repair (scheduled or unscheduled). The period of repair must be advised to the OFFICE and agreed. Onboard             Risk Assessment (Form S-20) MUST be carried out and submit to office before shut down. Reports are to be submitted according for reasons of break down for our investigation.
  12. Master's, Chief Engineer and Chief Officer submitted reports monthly which include: -
  • Planned Maintenance Schedule Engine and Deck (Form E04 and D21).
  • Planned Maintenance Report Engine and Deck (Form E-05 and D-22).   
  • Main engine Running Hours (Form E-12).
  • Auxiliary Engine Running Hour  (Form E-11).
  • Main Engine Performance data (Form E-14).
  • Auxiliary Engine Performance Data (Form E-17).
  • Boiler Water and jacket Cooling water treatment.
  • Fuel Oil & LO Consumption Report (Form E-15
  • Monthly vessel performance trend ( Form E-33).
  • Lub Oil Samples ( Every 3 monthly).
  • Electrical Motor Insulation Resistance report  (Form E-31).
  • Spares and Stores Inventory Report ( Every 6 monthly),     (Form G-09,E-10).
  • Monthly Defect list Engine (Form G-06).
  • Cargo Pump Operation (where applicable), (Form E-13/D-07).
  • Deck and Engine department daily work reports ( Form S-37) and G-37).
  • Cargo and Ballast Tank Inspection Report  (Form D-20A,B,C,D)
  • Critical Equipment Check list    (Form S-40)
  • Any other maintenance records.

Items of maintenance beyond the capabilities of the vessel's crew and which do not adversely affect the vessel's seaworthiness may be: -
  • Rectified using local resources
  • Deferred until the necessary resources are available to enable shipboard repair or; Added to the next dry-dock specification.
Maintenance deficiencies, which adversely affect a vessel’s seaworthiness, are dealt with immediately by the Technical Superintendent in close liaison with the Master and Chief Engineer 

On board defects may necessitate repairs using local resources. In such case the Superintendent must be consulted first.

Whenever the Superintendent considers it necessary and practical, he attends the vessel to coordinate onboard repairs carried out by sub-contractors. In such cases, the Superintendent compiles a work order, copies of which are given to the Chief Engineer for monitoring and for the sub-contractors to follow.

When using sub-contractors, and when circumstances prevent or do not require the attendance of a Superintendent, sub-contractor's repair work aboard a vessel will be controlled by either the Master or Chief Engineer. The responsibility will depend on area or item requiring attention and will be agreed upon by the Master in consultation (except in extreme emergencies) with the Superintendent who will endeavor to give written (cable / telex / fax) instructions to the Master and sub-contractors

In case where 1.6.3. Above applies, the responsible Officer will keep detailed records to include: -
  • Costs and quotes.
  • Shore manpower employed.
  • Shore manpower hours of work aboard.
  • Shore and Vessel materials used.
  • Vessel manpower used to assist shore workers.
In addition, the responsible Officer is to compile a detailed report, if necessary on a daily basis, for immediate transmission to the Technical Superintendent as appropriate.

Repair specifications may comprise of listed defects including anticipated requirements and take into account: -
  1. Master's reports (by e-mail / fax or report).
  2. Chief Engineer's reports (by e-mail / fax or report).
  3. Accident / incident reports.
  4. Technical Manager's or Marine or Technical Superintendent's reports.
  5. Classification Society's recommendations.
  6. Marine / Safety Manager's reports.
  7. Internal and external audit reports.
  8. P&I condition reports.
  9. Administration inspection reports.
  10. PSC (Port State Control) inspection reports.
The repair specification or order once approved by the Technical Superintendent will be used as tender documents for obtaining repair quotations and issue of purchase order and be amended in line with alterations to the repair work, time schedule and costing.

If Classification rules necessitate, the repair may have to be surveyed and approved by a class surveyor.

When repairs are completed, the attending Superintendent or in his absence the responsible Officer: -
  • Inspects, tests, checks and approves the completed work using the final specification as a guide.
  • Signs and dates the specification to signify satisfactory completion and approval of the work done.
  • To inform the status of the repair by e-mail from the Master.
Except for emergencies, deviations from the final approved specification can only occur if signed authorization is obtained from the Technical Superintendent who will endeavor to liaise with the Technical Manager


The responsible Officer is to ensure all shipboard maintenance or repair work is carried out in a satisfactory manner.All completed jobs should be “cross checked” by an alternative competent person assigned by the Chief Officer or 2nd Officer as appropriate
Whenever a Superintendent attends a vessel, which is undergoing repairs using sub-contractors, the Superintendent monitors the activities of sub-contractors and ensures the work is carried out in a satisfactory manner in accordance with the specification. 

Superintendents, or the responsible Officer, as applicable, will communicate their findings on a regular basis to the Technical Manager by written reports (fax, telex, cable or mail) or by telephone. If using the latter, the Technical Manager will ensure important reports are followed-up by a written report
Comments on the performance of sub-contractors are recorded on the approved list of suppliers on the basis of, no comment of service is satisfactory and comments made when service found deficient.

These records provide an on-going evaluation of the sub-contractors for discussion at the Management Review Meeting.  

Should the performance be of a nature that a non-conformance report is raised against the sub-contractor, the appropriate Manager, Superintendent or Officer will ensure satisfactory and effective corrective action takes place and is recorded accordingly 


Every effort is made to ensure all vessels are fully inspected by a Manager or a Superintendent at least twice per year. The Company’s checklist in use covers all quality including safety activities has been drawn up by the Technical and Marine / Safety Superintendent in liaison with the Ship Management General Manager to ensure a throughout report is on file for future planning.


The Technical Manager / Superintendents and senior officers onboard are responsible for the verification of all maintenance and repairs

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