OIL RECORD BOOK PART I Machinery space operation All shipsIn accordance with MARPOL ’73/’78 Convention
Read the: explanation about oil record book
A. Ballasting or cleaning of oil fuel tanks
- 1. Identity of tank(s) ballasted.
- 2. Whether cleaned since they last contained oil and if not type of oil previously carried.
- 3. Cleaning process: 1.position of ship and time at the start and completion of cleaning, 2.identity tank(s) in which one or another method has been, employed (rising through, steaming, cleaning with chemical, type and quantity of chemical used, in cubic meters), and 3.identity of tank(s) into which cleaning water was transferred.
- 4. Ballasting : 1.position of ship and time at start and end of ballasting, 2.quantity of ballast if tanks are not cleaned, in cubic meters.
B. Discharge of dirty ballast or cleaning water from oil fuel tanks referred to under section (A)
- 5.Identity of tank(s).
- 6.Position of ship at start of discharge.
- 7.Position of ship on completion of discharge.
- 8.Ship’s speed(s) during discharge.
- 9.Method of discharge : 1.through 15 ppm equipment, 2.to reception facilities.
- 10.Quantity discharge, in cubic meters.
C. Collection and disposal of oil residues (sludge and other residues)
- 11.Collection of oil residues.
Quantities of oil residues (sludge and other oil residues) retained on board.The quantity should be recorded weekly (this means that the quantity must be record once week even if the voyage lasts more than one week)
- identity of tank(s) …………….
- capacity of tank(s) …………… m3
- total quantity of retention ……. m3
- 12.Method of disposal of residue.
State quantity of residues disposed of the tank(s) emptied and the quantity of contents retained in cubic meters :
- to reception facilities (identify port);
- transferred to another (other) tank(s) (indicate tank(s) and the total content of tank(s);
- incinerated (indicate total time of operation);
- other method (state which).
D. Non-automatic discharge overboard or disposal otherwise of bilge water which has accumulated in machinery spaces
- 13.Quantity discharged of, in cubic meters.
- 14.Time of discharge or disposal (start and stop).
- 15.Method of discharge or disposal : 1.through 15 ppm equipment (state position at start and end), 2.to reception facilities (identify port), 3.transfer to slop tank or holding tank (indicate tank(s); state quantity retained in tank(s), in cubic meters
E. Automatic discharge overboard or disposal otherwise of bilge water which has accumulated in machinery spaces
- 16.Time and position of ship at which the system has been put into automatic mode of operation for discharge overboard, through 15 ppm equipment
- 17.Time when the system has been put into automatic mode of operation for transfer of bilge water to holding tank (identify tank).
- 18.Time when the system has been put into manual operation.
F. Condition of the oil filtering equipment
- 19.Time of system failure.
- 20.Time when system has been made operational.
- 21. Reason for failure.
G. Accidental or other exceptional discharge of oil
- 22.Time of occurrence.
- 23.Place or position of ship at time of occurrence.
- 24.Approximate quantity and type of oil.
- 25.Circumstance of discharge or escape, the reasons there for and general remarks.
H.Bunkering of fuel or bulk lubricating oil
- 26.Place of bunkering.
- 27.Time of bunkering.
- 28.Type and quantity of fuel oil and identity of tank(s) (state quantity added, in tonnes, and total content of tank(s)).
- 29.Type and quantity of lubricating oil and identity of tank(s) (state quantity added, in tonnes, and total content of tank(s)).
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